Employment of Contractors

All Shareholders/residents who wish to carry out work on the Estate, or to employ contractors to undertake work on their behalf, are encouraged to read these guidelines carefully.

Rubbish skips, building materials or spoil 

Most roads, footpaths and verges on the Estate belong to Aldwick Bay Company Ltd. During any period of work, whenever possible building materials, spoil or rubbish skips are to be positioned on site where the former is safer and far less of a traffic hazard. On no account may they be deposited/positioned on Company Property without prior written permission from the Company which must be obtained in advance by applying via e-mail or letter marked “for the attention of the Planning Director”. If consent is given, the items listed above are to be: –

a. placed on a board to protect the underlying surface,                                                              

b. lit at night, and                                                                                                                      

c. properly cordoned with reflective tape or fenced off.

Damage to Company Property                                                                                              

On completion of any project the Company property must be left in at least as good a condition as before the work began. Any damage to roads, paths, crossovers, verges, signage, trees, shrubs or lamp standards must be made good. Residents are responsible for arranging and paying for any necessary restorative work even where permission has been given in advance to place material or machinery on Company property. If the former is not carried out within a reasonable period, the Company will arrange for the work to be done and recover the cost from the resident. To save unnecessary expense, residents should ensure contractors do not cut across the verge when entering their property as this can cause significant and lasting damage. They should also take care to ensure no materials or spoil are washed down Estate road drains or soakaways, as this blocks them very quickly, is costly to remove and could lead to flooding in the future.

Delivery and Contractors vehicles                                                                                        

 To avoid excessive wear to the Estate roads and prevent damage to any utility’s infrastructure, contractors and their subcontractors should not use vehicles exceeding a maximum gross vehicle tonnage of 26 tonnes.  This may mean multiple deliveries or collections of equipment or material to ensure the loaded vehicle weight does not exceed the limit. ALL vehicles must observe the 20mph speed limit and park with the nearside wheels on the road.

Hours of work and noise generation                                                                                    

 In the interest of good relations with neighbours, residents  advise any contractor to restrict noisy operations to between 8.00 am. and 5.30 p.m., Monday to Friday, avoid such work on Saturday if possible and never allow such work on a Sunday or Public Holiday.


Contractors advertising boards should be removed within 7 days of the completion of the work.

August 2020